Grow your super with your savings

If you’re eligible, you can add to your super with extra contributions from your take-home pay or savings. After-tax super contributions can be a great way to invest the extra money from a pay rise, bonus or inheritance.*

These contributions are also known as non-concessional contributions, voluntary contributions or personal super contributions. There are limits, known as caps, on how much you can contribute before an additional tax applies. Read more about the caps that apply to super.

Make an after-tax super contribution

The easiest way to contribute to your super account is online with BPAY®. You can set up a one-off payment or regular contributions.

Log in to your account to get your BPAY details.

Am I eligible to make after-tax super contributions?

You can generally make after-tax contributions if:

  • you’re under age 75
  • you haven’t gone over your non-concessional contributions cap and your total super balance at 30 June of the previous financial year is less than $1.9 million.

Learn more about tax on super contributions.



Claim a tax deduction for after-tax contributions

You may be able to claim a personal tax deduction for these contributions. Once you claim a deduction for an after-tax contribution (also known as a non-concessional contribution) it will be treated as a pre-tax contribution (also known as a concessional contribution). You may be able to claim up to $30,000 in after-tax contributions each financial year (as of the 2024-25 financial year), however this cap also includes any other pre-tax or employer contributions made during the financial year so you should consider the amount of deductible contributions you make in light of these other contributions. To make a claim, complete a notice of intent before you lodge your tax return.

You can submit a notice of intent via your online account.

Note: If you’re aged between 67-74 and want to claim a deduction for your personal contribution, you are still required to meet the work test. The ATO will administer the work test at the time you lodge your income tax return. For more information, visit the ATO website.

Submit a notice of intent (3 mins to complete)

Once you log in to your account. Select Manage account, scroll down to “Notice of intent to claim a tax deduction for personal super contributions’ and complete the short online form.

Eligibility criteria

To be eligible to claim a tax deduction for an after-tax contribution made to your UniSuper account, you must:

  • have made a personal contribution to your UniSuper account during the financial year
  • have the funds still in your UniSuper account at the time of the claim
  • meet the age-related requirements (see below):
    • you must be between age 18 and 75
    • if you’re age 75, you need to make your personal contribution no later than 28 days after the month of your 75th birthday
    • if you’re aged between 67-74, you are required to meet the work test
    • if you’re under age 18 at the end of the financial year, you may still be eligible for a tax deduction if you have earned income as an employee or business operator in the same period as your claim.

Additional eligibility criteria may apply, for more information please visit the ATO website.

Notification deadlines

You’ll need to let us know you’re going to claim a tax deduction before:

  • any withdrawal or transfer of funds from your UniSuper account including any rollovers to commence an income stream or pension account; and

By the earlier of:

  • the day you lodge your income tax return with the ATO for the financial year in which the contributions were made
  • the end of the financial year following the year when the contributions were made.

Fund confirmation

If your notice is valid, we’ll send you an acknowledgement which you will need in order to complete your tax return. You must receive this acknowledgment before you can claim a tax deduction. We recommend you provide this to your tax adviser or accountant, or on request by the ATO.

For more information about claiming a tax deduction visit the ATO website.

You can generally contribute up to $30,000 in pre-tax contribution and $120,000 in after-tax contributions each financial year (as of the 2024-25 financial year) without having to pay extra tax. Read more about the caps that apply to super.

Government co-contributions

If you’re a low or middle income earner, the government could match up to 50 cents of every dollar you add to your super as an after-tax contribution, up to $500 each financial year.

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If you have any questions about after-tax contributions, please call 1800 331 685 or contact us.
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