Information icon  Important changes to the Cash investment option

Effective 11 March 2025, the How we invest your money document dated 28 September 2024, available at, is updated so that the Investment Strategy for the Cash investment option (on page 13) is replaced as set out in the table below. Please be aware that the Investment Strategy effective 11 March 2025, is not reflected in the How we invest your money document currently available.

Cash investment option
Investment Strategy before 11 March 2025 Investment Strategy effective on and after 11 March 2025
To invest in a diversified portfolio of cash and money-market securities, including (but not limited to) at-call and term bank deposits, bank bills, negotiable certificates of deposit, notice accounts and other short-term fixed income securities out to a maximum maturity of around one year. However, from December 2021, where your funds are invested in this option, they will be placed in an at call deposit product with National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL 230686 pursuant to an arrangement UniSuper has with National Australia Bank Limited. This option is not a deposit by you in a bank account and your balance is not guaranteed under the Australian Government bank deposit guarantee scheme. To invest in a diversified portfolio of cash and money-market securities, including (but not limited to) at-call and term bank deposits, bank bills, negotiable certificates of deposit, notice accounts and other short-term fixed income securities out to a maximum maturity of around one year. However, from December 2021, where your funds are invested in this option, they will be placed in a deposit product with National Australia Bank Limited ABN 12 004 044 937 AFSL 230686 pursuant to an arrangement UniSuper has with National Australia Bank Limited. This option is not a deposit by you in a bank account and your balance is not guaranteed under the Australian Government bank deposit guarantee scheme.

Product Disclosure Statements (PDS)

Target Market Determinations (TMD)


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