Plan your retirement with confidence

Moving into retirement doesn’t need to be a stressful experience. We’ve outlined four simple steps you can follow to feel more confident as you approach retirement.

After you’ve read this page, you’ll be able to answer:

  1. What your retirement may look like
  2. What your expenses may be in retirement
  3. How much income you may receive in your retirement through your super and other sources
  4. How you can turn your super balance into a regular income in retirement

Step 1: Your retirement

Everyone pictures their retirement a little differently. If you click on one of the links below, a new tab will open in your browser so you can easily return to this page.

Here are six common questions people ask as they approach retirement:

What will my retirement lifestyle look like?

Think about the age you plan to retire at, do you plan to travel, leave money for others, maintain your current lifestyle or downsize your property?

Will I be eligible for the government Age Pension?

Did you know that most Australians are eligible to receive the government Age Pension even if they have an income from their super savings?

How much super will I have when I retire?

Our Retirement Savings Calculator can estimate your super balance, calculate any Age Pension entitlements, and identify steps you can take to boost your super.

How can I boost my super balance?

Now that you have thought about your retirement lifestyle and know your estimated super balance, you may decide you want to give your super balance a boost.

How is my super taxed in retirement?

If you’re aged 60 or over, you can generally make withdrawals as a lump sum or as an income tax-free.

Learn more about tax and your super.

When can I access my super?

Your super is designed to be used to support you in retirement. Discover more about the rules around accessing your super.

After considering the questions above, your understanding of how your retirement may look should be clearer – making it easier to plan. You can now proceed to Step 2 and begin thinking about your expenses in retirement.

If you need more help, you can make an appointment with one of our friendly advisers1 and chat through your options.

Step 2: Download our retirement expense planner

This editable PDF can help you understand your expenses and visualise how your retirement may look financially.

After you’ve worked out your expenses, you can then begin thinking about your sources of income in retirement.

Step 3: Estimate your income in retirement

Estimate how much income you may receive in retirement if you’re planning to retire in the next five years.

Our Retirement Income Calculator can show you:

  • how long your super may last based on the level of income you decide to take from it in retirement
  • the impact making lump sum withdrawals can have on your super
  • how the government Age Pension can contribute to your retirement income
  • the potential impact of strong or weak market conditions on your retirement income, and more.

Step 4: Turn your super into an income in retirement

Our retirement income accounts turn your hard-earned super into a regular income stream.

Whether you want greater flexibility to choose how much and how often you’re paid in retirement or prefer a guaranteed and regular amount of income for the rest of your life, we have options to suit your retirement lifestyle.

Discover more about living in retirement

The road to retirement - ask an adviser
There’s plenty to consider in the lead-up to retirement. We get some tips from financial adviser Derek Gascoigne.
Choosing your investments in retirement
When it comes to your investments in retirement, the choices you make can have a big impact.
Things to consider when you’re over 65 - ask an adviser
Renee Zimmermann talks about the things to consider when you’re over 65 and approaching retirement.
  • Things you need to know
    1 UniSuper Advice super consultants can give you information and tell you what is generally recommended for our members. This advice will be of a general nature only and will not take into account your personal circumstances. Consider the PDS and TMD on our website and consider your circumstances before making decisions. UniSuper Limited (ABN 54 006 027 121) is the trustee of UniSuper (ABN 91 385 943 850).
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