Our latest climate report
Read our Climate risk and our investments report for details on our fund’s progress towards net–zero carbon emissions in our investment portfolio by 2050.
Discover how we engage with our largest holdings; find out about governance and member choice; and learn how we manage climate risks and opportunities across our investment options.
Download our summary snapshot (PDF, 1.29MB) or read the full Climate report below.
Responsible investment reports
Our responsible investment reports show how we put our responsible investment policy into action. They also summarise how we've voted on resolutions at company meetings.
View details of our proxy voting here. Proxy voting activity up to 31 December 2022 can be found in the appendix section of our Responsible investment reports (available under Previous reports below).
Policies and statements
Responsible investment and proxy voting policy
Topics covered include:
- investing in quality
- responsible and active investment
- holistic approach to responsible investment
- incorporating ESG issues into the investment analysis and decision-making process
- active ownership
- collaboration and promotion of ESG and responsible investment
- reporting our activities
- member choice
- proxy voting.
Modern slavery statement
Modern slavery is a significant and complex global issue impacting some of the most vulnerable people in society. Identifying and addressing modern slavery risks is an obligation we take seriously.
We believe that the stewardship activities of institutional investors can positively influence corporate behaviour and contribute to long-term shareholder value.
UniSuper is a signatory to the Australian Asset Owner Stewardship Code (the Code). We support the principles outlined in the Code, which focus on enhancing the quality and transparency of Australian asset owners' disclosures regarding their company engagement and voting practices.
Sustainable and environmental investing
Within the range of investment options available to our members we offer three sustainable and environmental branded options. These allow you to limit your exposure to certain industries and/or to invest in companies selected on the basis of environmental considerations.1 See the How we invest your money document for further information.
We periodically review the investments in our sustainable and environmental branded options to determine the proportion of each option which has ‘positive attributes’. This information is now included in the 2024 Responsible investment report (pages 27-29).
Things you need to know
1 Sustainable and environmental investing means different things to different people. Different products have different investment criteria. Read our sustainable and environmental branded options page and How we invest your money document to find out what sustainable and environmental investing means to us and what our investment options invest in.