Get to know your assets – introducing Transurban

What investments does your super hold? Learn more about some of the key investments in our portfolios and the people behind them.

Many members are curious to know more about the kinds of investments their super holds. Over the coming months, we’ll be giving you the opportunity to learn about some of the key investments in our portfolios and the people behind them.

Here we spotlight one of our largest listed equity investments – Transurban.* UniSuper has invested in Transurban since 2013 and we have an approximately 11% interest in the company.**

Watch the video to find out more about Transurban!


Who is Transurban?

Transurban is a large infrastructure company listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). It owns and operates toll roads on the east coast of Australia and in North America, such as Citylink in Victoria, the M7-M12 Integration Project in NSW and the Logan Motorway in Queensland.

Millions of people use Transurban’s roads every day for work, social and leisure activities—and importantly, to go on holiday! The roads are also used for commerce, helping to take trucks off suburban streets.

Enabling people to move safely and efficiently is at the core of what Transurban does. Toll roads generally provide faster and more consistent travel times compared to alternate stop-start routes, saving time, fuel and greenhouse gases.

But there’s more to it than meets the eye. Behind the scenes, Transurban has a whole network of data it uses to better understand its customers and to identify opportunities to further improve its operations and reduce congestion. State of the art technology and partnerships with organisations like Monash University’s Accident Research Centre also play a critical role in enabling Transurban to maintain high safety standards.

Investing in quality

For UniSuper, Transurban is a good example of a quality investment, with long and enduring cash flows and strong business standards.#

With over 70% of our assets managed in house, UniSuper’s Investments team monitors markets and investments like Transurban every day.

The UniSuper investment options that hold Transurban include our pre-mixed options, Australian Shares and Australian Dividend Income. Transurban is also held in our Defined Benefit Fund.^

As populations grow in our cities, we’ll need to be moving more people around. That’s why we think companies like Transurban will be here for a long time.

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Find out more about Transurban

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This information in this video is general in nature and it doesn’t take into account your financial situation, needs or objectives. Please note that past performance is not a reliable indicator of future performance. The information above is of a general nature and may include general advice. It doesn’t take into account your personal financial situation, needs or objectives. Before making any decision in relation to your UniSuper membership, you should consider your circumstances, the PDS and TMD relevant to you (these are on our website), and whether to consult a qualified financial adviser.

* Comments on the companies we invest in aren't intended as a recommendation of those companies for inclusion in personal portfolios. Holdings are subject to change without notice.

** As at August 2023

# based on historical and forecasted cash flows

^ as at 31 March 2024

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