Binding nominations: your super, your say

Take control of your super and secure your loved ones’ future with a binding death benefit nomination.

This article was published on 31 October, 2023. We have since introduced online non-lapsing binding nominations. For the latest information, visit Choose who gets your super or pension.

What is a beneficiary and why is it important?

Many people believe that their super will automatically go to their loved ones or those named in their will after they pass away. But the truth is, if you haven't specified a beneficiary, UniSuper’s trustee decides who receives both your super and any insurance benefits (death benefit).

The good news is you can protect your wishes by nominating a beneficiary. This means having a say in who receives your death benefit when you're no longer here. A valid nomination can be your dependant - as set out in super legislation - or your legal personal representative.

Types of super beneficiaries

At UniSuper, we offer two beneficiary nomination options:

  • Non-binding nomination: This is a preference, not a legal commitment. The trustee may consider other factors (such as dependants) when deciding who receives your death benefit.
  • Binding nomination:This is a legally binding instruction. It ensures your death benefit goes where you specify, as long as it's valid under superannuation law.

You can either nominate a lapsing binding nomination, which expires after three years and can be updated before or when it lapses. Alternatively, a non-lapsing binding nomination will stay valid unless it’s changed, revoked, or becomes invalid.

How you can make a nomination

You can make a preferred (non-binding) death nomination anytime through your online account. As mentioned above, the trustee will decide who receives your death benefit, taking into consideration your nomination. To make a binding death nomination, complete the Binding death benefit nomination form.

Your choices today can ensure peace and security for your loved ones tomorrow. Make your super, your say, by taking control with a binding death benefit nomination.

Need more help?

Visit Choose who gets your super or pension for more information on death benefit nominations.

Speak to a super expert: Choosing a beneficiary is an important decision. If you’d like extra assistance with the basics, our super consultants are here to help. Book your appointment now.

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