Supporting gender equity is part of our every day
Australian women retire with approximately 25 per cent less super, on average, than men.1
We know this gap won't close without significant policy change. That's why we continue to fight for amendments and offer practical support to help women close the super gap.
In celebration of International Women’s Day: a conversation with the Honourable Julie Bishop
In celebration of International Women’s Day: a conversation with the Honourable Julie Bishop
Join us for a special livestreamed event as we speak with Julie Bishop, Chancellor of Australian National University and former Minister for Foreign Affairs. Julie will discuss time in leadership, the importance of education and advocacy for women’s empowerment.
UniSuper’s Kiran Bhullar, Financial Adviser will also share the importance of financial advice and how we can prepare for a great retirement.
When: Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 12:30 PM AEDT
International Women’s Day podcast
Discover more about how we’re committed to gender equity
Women in leadership: Renae Anderson
Women in super: Kiran Bhullar
Women in leadership: Penny Heard
Women and Finance free webcast
Tune in for a free Women and Finance webcast and discover how you can improve your financial future.
When: Wednesday, 26 March 2025 at 01:00 PM AEDT
Top 4 Tips For Salary Negotiations
Optimising earnings throughout each stage of your career is important to achieving financial security and a comfortable retirement.
It’s a sensitive important conversation and you want to get it right.
This webinar shares the top four actions you can take to prepare for a successful pay rise negotiation.
Join our webcast and get your questions answered by a Negotiation Coach.
Automated Closed Captions are now available on this webcast.
When: Thursday, 20 March 2025 at 12:30 PM AEDT
Set up your super for success
Estimate your super
Easily manage your super
Chat to a Super Consultant
Things you need to know
1Status of Women Report card Women approaching retirement have 23.1% less superannuation than men of the same age.
#UniSuper Advice super consultants can give you information and tell you what is generally recommended for our members. This advice will be of a general nature only and will not take into account your personal circumstances.