We’re here for you

Learn about who UniSuper are and why we’re a great choice for your super.

Why choose UniSuper?


Join one of Australia’s most award-winning super funds

As an employee of The Garvan Institute, you’re eligible to join UniSuper’s Accumulation 1 product. To learn more, read the Accumulation 1 Product Disclosure Statement (PDF, 895 KB) or ask your employer. New employees will automatically join UniSuper.

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Compare UniSuper

Wondering how we stack up? You can compare us with over 200 other super funds using Chant West's AppleCheck tool. It uses data from Chant West's independent research on investments, fees, insurance and member services.

How we can help

Meet a super expert

Our super consultants can answer your general questions about how super works and UniSuper’s products and services, and they can even help with your paperwork. We encourage all members to take advantage of this service.

Best of all, there’s no additional charge - it’s all part of being a UniSuper member.

Award-winning financial advice

Wherever you're at in life, having a financial plan can help you make the most of what you have now and in the future. You don’t have to be wealthy or close to retirement to benefit. Our services cover financial advice on your super investment strategy, retirement planning, managing debts, investments outside super and more.

We’re fee-for-service, so we don’t charge commissions. We'll provide an upfront quote before you decide whether to proceed and you can deduct all or part of the advice fees from your UniSuper account if you’re eligible.

Call UniSuper Advice on 1800 823 842 to find out how we can help you.

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